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Garnish the holiday table with tasty side dishes – Cranberry-Orange Relish

by Sally Uhrich

The turkey is stuffed and the pies are baking in the oven, but what about the sides? No holiday meal is complete without those extra tasty vittles known as the side dish.

If you’re wanting to include cranberries in your menu, but don’t want the hassle of cooking them, consider Cranberry-Orange Relish. This attractive combination of cranberry and orange has just the right amount of tart and sweetness and is a welcome addition to any holiday meal.

Cranberries are a unique fruit. They grow on low-lying vines in beds, known as bogs and are layered with sand, peat, gravel and clay. Cape Cod is a prime place for cranberry cultivation. Some vines are more than 150 years old and are still bearing fruit.

The health benefits of cranberries are worth noting, as they contain bacteria-blocking compounds that are believed to be helpful in preventing urinary tract infections. They may also aid in the prevention of ulcers and certain oral bacteria that can lead to gum disease.

The recipe is from my daughter-in-law, Sarah Uhrich, and originated in the kitchen of her mother, Susan Jank, both of whom reside in Omaha.

Cranberry-Orange Relish

Put 1 package cranberries (4 cups) and 2 oranges (including skin) through a food processor.

Add 2 cups sugar.

Mix well.

Chill in refrigerator several hours before serving.

Makes 1 quart relish.



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