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Project Strong Boys strengthens mind and body

Project Strong Boys takes root at Timber Trail Elementary with key tenets and core values.  Thirteen boys from first through fifth grade enjoyed the first Project Strong Boys session – practicing yoga, talking about emotions, being strong in both mind and body, and trying their hand at silent team building exercises.

Article and photos by Lynne Marsala Basche

Project Strong Boys’ inaugural three-week series began in April with a goal to build character and inner strength, and to promote respect in elementary-aged boys.  Using age-appropriate activities, participants are learning to cooperate and listen to peers through team-building activities that teach life and character-building skills.
Gina Mead and Paige Taylor, Project Strong Girls founders, believe that by developing healthy bodies, learning about teamwork and managing anxiety, as well as discovering a deeper sense of awareness and respect for themselves and others, boys have a solid foundation to succeed.  To learn more about Project Strong Girls and future sessions, visit



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