Adopt-a-Road program open for volunteers

Volunteers clean up trash along roadways in the community.
Douglas County is hoping for two days of your time. The Adopt-a-Road program is available for anyone to join and it’s an easy process: online registration, a search for available roads to adopt and ultimately, a place to log progress. Each roadway section ranges from one to three miles.
When you commit, you agree to pick up litter from both sides of the adopted roadway for one year. At the end of the year, you’ll have the option to renew your commitment. Currently, a group of volunteers has 59 road segments covered for litter pickup, but there are still 53 that need attention.
For chosen cleanup days, the County will provide orange trash bags and safety vests. County crews will also pick up and dispose of the full orange trash bags. Your name or group’s name will be displayed on a sign along the adopted road.
One adult supervisor is required for every eight participants between 13 and 17 years of age, and one adult supervisor is required for every four participants between six and 12 years of age. The program is not recommended for children under six.
The Adopt-A-Road program was established more than 25 years ago with the goal of keeping community roads clean and safe.
To register, go to For additional questions, email
Information and photo provided by Douglas County