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Dear Mrs. A – October

dear mrs a

Dear Mrs. A,

Could you help us understand the concept of Scruffy Hospitality?

– Entertaining in The Hamlet

Remember when an invitation to dinner came printed in the mail? The guest list was carefully curated, the hostess met you at the door, seating arrangements were crucial, dress codes were important, people brought out their finest China, flower arrangements were a must, cheeseballs were served and drinks were elaborate. Not anymore.

Opening your home through the act of hospitality can mean a myriad of things these days. And yes, formal hospitality is still alive and well, but move over contrived gatherings and make way for the new way and new day!

I’ll admit it, I lose my mind when people are coming over, I clean and fuss until our house doesn’t look like anyone lives there. But there’s another way. Maybe a friend could text, “We’re coming over!” And instead of running the vacuum, you could just wait for them to arrive? That’s scruffy hospitality. The idea that even if your home looks lived-in, you welcome your visitors with open arms and offer the half-full bags of snacks and a deeper level of intimacy because you’re letting your friends into your real life.

According to the Rev. Jack King, “Friendship is about preparing a space for authentic conversation. And sometimes authenticity happens when everything is a bit scruffy.”

I try to live my life by this quote from Emilie Barnes, “Hospitality is so much more than entertaining; so much more than menus and decorating and putting on a show. To me, it means organizing my life in such a way that there’s always room for one more; an extra place at the table or an extra pillow and blanket; always a welcome for those who need a listening ear. It means setting aside time for planned fellowship and setting aside lesser priorities for impromptu gatherings.”

Life is a beautiful mess!

Big Love, Mrs. A




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