Douglas County helps prepare for spring

Douglas County helps prepare for the spring season with the opening of its slash-mulch/green yard waste site.
After the mid-March snow storm, you may have accumulated a pile of excess branches and debris. With spring (almost) around the corner, mowing, trimming, sawing and clearing brush from your property is advised to reduce the risk of wildfires.
Douglas County provides a slash-mulch/green yard waste drop-off site for disposal. The site is located at 1400 Caprice Drive in Castle Rock, and will open Saturday, April 6. Weather permitting, it will remain open Saturdays only, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., through October.
To ensure efficiency when unloading materials, please separate slash items (tree limbs, pine needles, shrubs and brush) from green yard waste items (grass, sod, leaves, weeds). Slash and green yard waste will be collected in separate areas of the site for proper and safe disposal. For a full list of acceptable items, visit
In the case of inclement weather, call 303- 663-6274 for updated information. Later in the season (not April 6), residents can also collect free mulch.
For year-round collections, Douglas County also maintains a site to collect limited, small loads, which is open Saturdays from
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 7828 S. State Highway 67 (2.5 miles north of Deckers).
Information and photo provided by Douglas County