Fresh-cut trees
By Patte Smith
It is that time of year to sharpen the saw, gather a few ropes and head to the hills to cut down the family Christmas tree. Near Douglas County, there are two areas to cut trees, both which require permits:
The South Platte Ranger District Christmas tree cutting permits for the Buffalo Creek area went on sale November 1 at the Morrison office, 19316 Goddard Ranch Court.
To purchase a permit in person, the office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Cutting dates for the trees are November 23 through December 9. Mail-in permits are no longer being accepted, and there is a limit of five trees per household. More information and the location of the Buffalo Creek cutting area can also be found on the web site.
The Pikes Peak Ranger District is also offering Christmas tree cutting permits from November 26 through December 12 at the District Office Pikes Peak Ranger District, 601 S. Weber Street, Colorado Springs. Permits will also be available on site at the Woodland Park Middle School parking lot on December 1 and 2, and December 8 and 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. No mail orders will be accepted.
Permits are $10 per tree, with a limit of five permits per household. Cash, check, or money order is accepted but credit cards are not. Christmas trees may be cut any time after purchase of a permit through December 12. For more information, call 719-477-4221 or 719-636-1602 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.