Mulligan…the pup who acts like a teenager
This pet pedigree is brought to you by Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center.

Mulligan, a mix of schnauzer, husky, poodle and Chihuahua, will do anything quirky for attention or a chance for a photo.
Robert Rice, a Colorado native, and his wife Ann, from Utah, met at a set-up date in a little known dive bar in downtown Littleton called Q’s Pub & Grille. Neither wanted to go, but the rest is history as the couple now have two grown daughters, Jordan and Taylor, a rescue pup, Mulligan, and two grand dogs – a Scottie named Phoebe and a labradoodle named Virgil.
Mulligan is not the Rice’s first rescue dog. Reilly, a black Labrador rescue from the Denver Dumb Friends League, was a special companion to the couple prior to his passing. “We were unsure of getting another pet until we saw Mulligan, formerly known as Vinny,” said Robert.
A 2023 adoption event and a photo of Mulligan on the 4 Paws 4 Life Rescue and Boarding’s Facebook page caught Ann’s eye. But by the time the Rices reached the event, Mulligan had already been adopted by another family. About to leave and disappointed they had not secured a rescue, Mulligan was returned by the family who made the right decision that their small living space was not ideal for Mulligan.
“We really enjoyed working with 4 Paws 4 Life. The adoption process was easy, and we felt as though they really trusted us to be good, capable dog parents,” said Ann.
Mulligan is highly intelligent, spirited and active. He is constantly playing, throwing the ball in a game of fetch with himself and enjoys his walks on the neighborhood trails of The Canyons. He is eager to please, loyal to his people and loves to give and receive attention – all traits of his unique mix of breeds. A DNA test revealed that Mulligan is part schnauzer, husky, poodle and Chihuahua. He has a wiry coat and watchful eyes over his dog parents. “I had a schnauzer named Max many years ago and Mulligan reminds me a lot of Max,” said Ann.
Mulligan acts more like the Rice’s daughters when they were teenagers. He sleeps until
10 a.m., rolls out of his dog bed for breakfast, plays with his loud squeaky toys and then plops down on the couch for a nap.
The couple enjoys his quirkiness and his funky hair that looks like bed head. “Mulligan is very curious, as most puppies are, and very smart,” concluded Ann. “He has us trained well!”

Adopted from 4 Paws 4 Life Rescue and Boarding, Mulligan, at 4 months old, finds himself in the arms of what Ann and Robert Rice call “do-over” parents – thus his name Mulligan.
By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of Ann and Robert Rice