Supporting democracy

League of Women Voters of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties members took part in the annual LWV Convention in 2022.
The League of Women Voters (LWV) was started in 1920 by leaders of the women’s suffrage movement as a nonpartisan, activist, grassroots organization believing voters play a critical role in democracy. Today, there are more than 700 leagues across the country, with a local chapter here, the League of Women Voters of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties (LWVADC). It is one of 18 leagues in Colorado.
Encouraging greater citizen involvement by protecting the freedom to vote, improving elections, reducing money’s political influence and fighting for fair redistricting are some of the items at the top of LWV’s priority list.
“We work hard at maintaining our nonpartisan policy, reminding ourselves of it regularly. The purpose of the LWV is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government,” shared Kathi Rudolph, LWVADC membership chair.
Kathi added that the organization is nonpartisan in that it does not support or oppose any political party or candidate; it is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues after member study and agreement.
“Issues are nonpartisan by their nature, though people and parties regularly associate a stance on an issue with a party platform. Our positions come about only after extensive study and debate, allowing league membership to come to consensus and therefore speak with one voice about an issue,” added Kathi.
LWV empowers voters by assisting with voter registration, organizing ways for voters to hear candidates’ views, talking with groups about state-wide ballot measures, and inviting candidates to answer questions in, a platform all voters can access. They also observe local government meetings, including the Douglas County Commissioners and the Douglas County School Board.
The nonprofit is supported by tax deductible membership dues and donations. Its volunteers provide civic engagement services such as voter registration and advocating for issue reform – such as healthcare and housing. Members have access to timely and important discussions and often create lasting friendships through common interests.
Members who join the local chapter automatically become members of the League of Women Voters Colorado and League of Women Voters of the United States. All are welcome, including men. Membership opportunities include basic, mid-level and activist levels for individuals and households. Student memberships are also available at no charge.
The league is in the thick of it with election season in full swing. “We’ll have time to celebrate our candidate forums and meetings and many talks on ballot measures when election season is over,” shared Kathi.
To learn more, visit and select the Arapahoe and Douglas County league by entering your ZIP code. “We strive for a membership that is representative of the community and encourage a diversity of opinions, interests and talents,” concluded Kathi.
By Elean Gersack; photos courtesy of Kathi Rudolph