The new year means…?

The new year means a fresh start and new beginning for some, and for others, it’s just turning a calendar page. Residents and friends from near and far weighed in on what the new year means to them.
New year…new resolutions? New goals? Don’t care? Don’t believe in resolutions? Responses to a social media poll asking about what the new year means were all over the board, ranging from the sense of a new beginning to just another day. Residents and friends from near and far weighed in on what the new year means to them:
“I love setting goals in the new year! I love the idea of a fresh start. I will prioritize health goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).”
“I don’t do resolutions, but I do make a set of accomplishments that I’d like to achieve within the entire 12 months of the new year. It has more of an exciting result like taking a vacation or saving for a special purchase.”
“I just fly into the new year without a care. I do things all during the year that I need
to do.”
“I make a point to set travel goals, and I pick a new thing I want to learn; last year was watercolor painting. I was amazed at the beginner videos, tutorials and kits that were available.”
“I just hope to make it through the new year a little better than the last one.”
“I pick a resolution each year … 2023 is going to be ‘drink more champagne.’”
“We pick a word for the year to focus on and write our predictions for what will happen in the next year with respect to our home life, family members and in the world. We seal them up and open our envelopes on New Year’s Eve the following year to see what actually happened and if we were right or totally wrong. Then we have a good laugh! It’s a fun family event!”
Another resident said she also chooses a word, which creates a goal. “Then I start noticing the word throughout the year and see if there is a principle I can apply to my life.”
“I lean into a phrase that I would like to embody or BE. Not a DO thing.”
Another person shared that they put their phrase or word all over their house (even in the fridge!) as a reminder. “I spend some time reflecting on the previous year and the word I chose, seeing how it showed up in
my life.”
“I’m going to try to get to church this year.”
“The flipping of the calendar is just another day to me. I’m not a fan of ‘new year, new you’ which promotes a lack of appreciation and acceptance of right here, right now. Any day can be a catalyst for change and new things when we are ready.”
“As I’ve gotten older, new beginnings, whether daily or yearly, mean more to me – like a precious gift.”
What’s your approach? Share on social media and tag us, or email with your resolutions.
By Lisa Nicklanovich; courtesy photo