A pit bull and a bichon frisé: happy together

The best of buds: Blu and Amy Fenster out on a drive with a Starbucks stop.
Amy Fenster is a ball of energy. She is an adventurer, a hiker and provides daily care for patients at UCHealth Highlands Ranch Hospital. Amy is a nurse working in a combined lab of cardiac catheterization, neuro intervention and intervention radiology. Each day she shines her bright light on those lucky enough to receive her warmth; but sometimes, brightest days can end with a sliver of darkness. It is those days she is most grateful for her two fur babies, Betty Lou and Blu.
Five-year-old bichon frisé Betty Lou and Blu, a 6-year-old American pit bull terrier, provide Amy with as much love and joy as she gives to her patients. Both dogs are, by nature, breeds that are sensitive and good with human emotions, knowing exactly how their humans feel.
In July 2021, Amy’s mom passed away, followed by her Maltese/Lhasa apso mix Gracie. That August, Amy rescued Blu from a (literally) toxic environment from an owner in Texas. Blu was exposed to a toxic substance that required a period of detox. Although all of the details of Blu’s recovery are unknown, his eagerness to please his person helped Amy through that sad period of time. His energetic spirit and persuasive nose nudges helped Amy move out of her depression and into the great outdoors. “Blu definitely supported me through my grieving process,” said Amy.
Blu has a solid build, short hair and is medium sized. He is strong, has confidence and beams with enthusiasm, all characteristics of the American pit bull terrier. Despite their reputation, pit bulls are no more aggressive than any other breed of dog. They have been ranked as the fourth most gentle breed by the American Temperament Test Society.
A rescue from Adopt a Pet, Betty Lou is mild mannered and playful with a cheery attitude. Betty Lou’s white fluffy coat and small dark eyes make her look like a docile toy. In reality, she has the spunk and energy of any dog twice her size. Bichon frisés are more lover than fighter as they assume all strangers are friends. Both Betty Lou and Blu are compatible with other dogs and children.
And they complement each other. When Amy leaves home, Blu is good company to Betty Lou as bichon frisés do not enjoy being left alone. Betty Lou has soothed Blu’s anxiousness with a simple game of ball and fetch. “Being a rescue and going through what he went through, Blu has always been more timid and nervous, especially with noises. Betty Lou has taught him how to be a dog, to play more and have fun,” added Amy.
The three companions enjoy daily walks in the neighborhoods around their home at Marquis Castle Pines, and sometimes go for longer hikes at Bluffs Regional Park in Lone Tree and Dawson Butte in Larkspur. Like most dogs, Blu and Betty Lou enjoy car rides with frequent stops to Starbucks; but unlike most pets, Amy serves them (and they eat!) their veggies of broccoli and asparagus.
“They bring love and joy to my life and that feels really good,” concluded Amy.

Bichon frisé Betty Lou’s white fluffy coat and small dark eyes make her look like a docile toy. In reality, she has the spunk and energy of any dog twice her size!

A relaxed and playful American pit bull terrier, Blu, uses his intelligence to get what he wants by wearing his smirk that no one can resist.
This article brought to you by Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center.
By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of Amy Fenster