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Guys Who Give in Douglas County

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At the second quarter 2023 Douglas County Guys Who Gives meeting, first quarter recipient Backpack Society was invited to attend and share what the donation they received meant to their organization.

logo for guys who giveOn the second Wednesday of the second month of each quarter, a group of guys meet at Lone Tree Brewing Company to grab a beer and combine forces to support local charities.  Guys, mark your calendars and join the next meeting on Wednesday, August 9.  It is open to all.

Guys Who Give (GWG) is a national nonprofit organization with more than 15 chapters, each full of men eager to provide meaningful and collective financial support to nonprofits in their communities.  “It’s an organic way to create community without a lot of effort,” said Dave Marcus, head of the Douglas County’s GWG  chapter.

A simple word of mouth is what brings new men to each meeting.  The doors open at 5:30 p.m. for mixing and mingling, and from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the focus turns to local causes.  Members come prepared to speak about a local organization they feel is worthy of support and a willingness to provide $100 or more in financial support.

A good old-fashioned “name out of the hat” drawing gives three men the opportunity to give a five-to-eight-minute straight from the heart talk to highlight the organization they nominated.  “It’s not intimidating, it’s a very safe and comfortable environment – like telling a story,” shared Marcus.

After an anonymous vote, a charity is selected.  Recent GWG recipients include Backpack Society, Hide in Plain Sight and South Metro Medical Equipment Loan Closet.  “We encourage folks to get involved by doing research,” said Marcus, adding that he finds it powerful to learn about new organizations as he prepares to submit his nomination for each meeting.

As a newer GWG member, Jordan Cassidy found out about the group from another father at his children’s school.  “To every guy and dad out there who is involved in their community, just know that there is an awesome philanthropic group of guys who get to enjoy beers together once a quarter and give to causes that make a big impact where we live,” smiled Cassidy.

GWG surprises recipients with a check of 100% of the proceeds collected during the meeting or online from those unable to attend in person.  “We knew Backpack Society was in the running for the Q1 Guys Who Give grant.  Then one day Jordan (Cassidy) asked if I’d be at the pantry because he signed up to volunteer.  He and some others arrived with a check for $5,372.  We were completely surprised and so thankful,” said June Everett, Founder and Executive Director of Backpack Society.

For those interested in checking out a meeting, Marcus says he will treat you to beer.  Everyone is welcome and the more the better.  The group now includes about 20-30 guys, ranging in age from 30s to 70s.  The hope is to grow the Douglas County chapter three fold or even more.  “If we could grow this to 100 guys, we are going to make a huge impact,” added Cassidy.  An anonymous donor has matched the donations thus far, giving an extra boost to the power of the group.

Learn more about GWG at  For information about joining a meeting, contact Marcus at or just show up.       

The next meeting is Wednesday, August 9,

5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Lone Tree Brewing Company in Lone Tree.  The last GWG meeting of 2023 is slated for Wednesday, November 8.


By Elean Gersack; photo courtesy of Dave Marcus




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