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Leap Year Pup

Pet Pedigree

Bernedoodles are happiest when they are spending time with their families. Remi and Reagan enjoy their 8-week-old leap year pup Waffles as they welcome her home.

A leap year occurs once every four years, and with it comes the rarest of days – February 29. “Leapling” birthdays are not limited to humans – our furry friends can be leap-year babies as well.

Waffles, a mini Bernedoodle recently turned four this (leap) year. A COVID puppy, Waffles has been such a great addition to Cara and Brock Ramsey and their two daughters Reagan (13) and Remi (almost 8). Waffles is the only pet of the Ramsey family. When it is not leap year, she celebrates her birthday on March 1. Both girls adore Waffles and love to spoil her with a Starbucks Puppuccino on her birthday. “It’s hard to imagine our life before Waffles,” said Cara.

Both Cara and Brock grew up with dogs and wanted their girls to have the same experience. In 2020, the couple felt their girls were old enough to help raise and care for a puppy. Waitlisted until summer through Ranch House Bernedoodles in Montrose, the Ramsey family went quickly to the top of the list due to pandemic travel limitations. Waffles arrived at her new home at 8 weeks old, bringing with her a lot of love and joy during such a hard time and she “continues to do so to this day,” added Cara.

Mini Bernedoodles are goofy, charming dogs that love to play outdoors just as much as they love to cuddle on the couch with their people. They are the family dogs known for being affectionate, intelligent and social. The Ramsey family loves Waffles’ loyalty to the family, playfulness, and of course, her cuteness.

Waffles’ absolute favorite toy, a Zippy Paws Monkey, brings out her playful nature.


When she is not cuddling with her family Waffles enjoys a good sunbathing in front of any window.



By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of Cara Ramsey

This Pet Pedigree story is brought to you by Lone Tree Veterinary Medical Center.




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