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The art and etiquette of the invitation

Graphic of Thoroughly Modern Manners
Dear Readers,

Let’s talk about the art and etiquette of the invitation. I naturally get excited about parties, whether I’m throwing one or attending one and the invitation is the natural starting point. Creating an invitation and responding to an invitation require thought and exactitude, whether it’s a formal invite or a casual one. The host will want to give you the details and will expect you to reply in kind.

In terms of planning, the invitation will likely include the name or names of persons invited.

This is a crucial detail. If you are invited, don’t forget to look at the name or names ON the invitation. If it says “family”, then children are included, if it doesn’t, they are not. If it says “and guest,” feel free to add a plus one. If if it doesn’t, do not. There are other clues derived from the invitation – was it heavy, was it engraved or written in calligraphy, was it hand stamped or machine stamped? These are all indicators of the gravitas of the event.

Other details will include the title and description of the event, the name of the host(s), time and date it will take place, location, dress code and an RSVP deadline. Oh! The good ol’ RSVP – now this is important. RSVP comes from réspondez s’il vous plait, (please respond, in French). An interesting note, French has been long considered the language of culture and English the language of economics. Etiquette may have been born French, but the simple economics of an event require that you simply respond with either acceptance or regrets. How else can the event be properly planned?

Not all events require an invitation – this is a clue in itself. If you are receiving one, it is special and so are you.

Big Love,
Mrs. Abramovitz




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