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Keep Your Word

Graphic of Thoroughly Modern Manners

Dear Readers,

How are we supposed to plan anything when guests no-show or when clients don’t honor their contracts? Social etiquette and business etiquette dictate that we actually do what we say we are going to do. You build trust that way. And when we fall short, and we all do, we offer a genuine apology, we make a gesture of sincere remorse, and we explain what we are going to do next.

Planning a party and running a business are nothing alike and yet they both require time, effort, and budgeting to attain desirable outcomes. They both rely on the people that they serve. Those you serve, those who rely on you for service, and those you love deserve your best. Follow through, trust and credibility are the main components of your reputation and following through on a commitment is more than words. It takes actionable steps to build trust.

So, if you can’t make it to the party, let the hostess know. We all need grace around this with so many shifting landscapes in our lives, but don’t make it a habit. Don’t accept the invitation if you don’t want to go.

And honor the contracts you have made. Failure to follow through creates doubt and mistrust, both in business and in life. Following through on a commitment is one of the most important components of credibility and without credibility you become a bad risk, both professionally and personally.

We gotta do better!

Big Love,
Mrs. Abramovitz



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