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Times, they are a changin’

Thoroughly Modern Manners – Ask Mrs. Abramovitz

Graphic of Thoroughly Modern Manners

Dear Readers,

We have a lot to talk about. I’m writing to you today as a reformed hugger. I gave up on hugging pretty easily, but I’m still not used to people LITERALLY moving away from me. Welcome to social distancing.

Times, they are a changin’ and there is a new set of virus-proof social codes to take us down this path, including social distancing and self-quarantining in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The social norms we’ve formed for generations are being rewritten in an instant. Hugging and kissing, we can all agree has to go, but the humble handshake has been around for centuries. Do you think it will stage a comeback?

Who will guide us in this time of face masks and social exclusion? What is the best way to ask people in the supermarket to stand a bit farther away? Who will do a tutorial on the “art of zoom dressing” and are pants even required?

Oh, dear reader, we will survive all of this with the best of our humanity still intact. I can’t possibly guide you in all aspects, and there are tons of resources online. I saw an article on “Quarreling During Quarantine”

And how about “Your Guide to Hiking During Quarantine?”: which conflicts with the article “Your Adventure Can Wait”:

I think all of this requires a common sense approach and the understanding of why we need to stay inside.

Please keep your head up and most of all BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER!

The question is whether these new codes will last beyond the current crisis? Or are bear hugs just right around the corner?

Mrs. Abramovitz



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