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Noise Volume Etiquette

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Dear Readers,

Let’s take it outside!  The yard, the pool, the park.  Common areas require common sense and an appropriate attitude toward noise and volume levels.  Practicing good noise volume etiquette helps create a harmonious and respectful environment for all.

Here’s the bottom line: if you are in a public space (including an airplane or on public transportation) or living near others, you should always use headphones when listening to music, watching videos or playing audio.  The rights of those around you supersede your right to be noisy; and don’t forget, one person’s music can be another person’s noise.

Other places to consider noise etiquette include respecting quiet hours.  Be mindful, especially in residential areas or shared spaces.  Specifically: late night or early morning.  No one enjoys the lawn mower or the leaf blower while they’re trying to rest or entertaining guests on the deck.

Adjust volume levels and keep them reasonable.  This includes your conversation on the phone. Develop a softer telephone voice or walk to a private place to finish your conversation.

On entertaining outside, excessive noise can be a nuisance, but there are steps one can take to mitigate the aggravation.  Start your party early so it can finish early.  Avoid using speakers outside the house, but if you must, point them back toward your house and not toward your neighbor.  Let your neighbor know about the party and the time you expect to finish.  Adjust the music volume.  And should the party continue after 10 p.m., consider moving your guests inside and close all windows and doors.

Mrs. Abramovitz loves to party; let’s keep it nice.

Big Love!




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