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Taking on a hungry world

By Steve Whitlock; photo courtesy of Meg Huber

Photo of Meg Huber who takes aim at world poverty

Willing and determined, Meg Huber takes aim at world poverty.

Meg Huber, who grew up in Castle Pines, is one of the newest interns with the Borgen Project, a nonprofit aiming to reduce global poverty through U.S. advocacy. It’s a great fit with her education ambitions, as she attends Southern Virginia University majoring in business management while double minoring in philosophy and theatre. Huber applied for the internship, as a result of parents who inspired her to reach higher and dream bigger.

The Borgen Project’s conviction is that change happens when people band together. Their leadership states, “If it is on the agenda of the U.S. leaders, countries across the globe take action.”

When asked how she became involved, Huber shared, “I was looking for internship opportunities especially ones in the nonprofit sector. While at school, a friend told me about the project, and I was immediately intrigued. Soon after, I applied and received the political affairs internship position. I have loved my experience thus far. I have learned so much and feel blessed I am able to attend college while completing the internship.”

With the emphasis of the organization being on world hunger, it’s clear they have high ambitions. It’s a big task that requires a big commitment. Huber shared her personal view about what makes a difference in the world: “I would like to see people keep all of their commitments. Once a pattern of commitment keeping is in place, when hard and big life challenges come, you can go into them knowing you will do your best.”

Huber also made the connection about how working toward alleviating world hunger was of benefit here at home. She stated, “As economies grow in other countries it improves the economy of the United States. As we help others, we also help our country.”

Serving is nothing new to Huber. “I have always been involved in service opportunities, both onetime events and ongoing. I have found not only fulfillment in serving, but service opportunities have given me strength to walk through my personal trials. Service has become a part of me and I seek out opportunities because I find so much joy in serving.”

Many who seek to make a difference in the world have been influenced deeply by someone else. That someone for Huber was her mom. “My mother has had a massive influence on my life. She has always been a beacon of light and selflessness. She has supported me through all of my highs and all my lows. She has laughed and cried with me. My mom has always advocated for me and taught me to love and look for ways to serve. She has walked though life’s trials gracefully and always with a smile. I hope I can one day be like my mother.”

Huber also has words of encouragement for our community. “I think lasting change is most effective when it is brought about by the people living in the community. Change is brought by impacting one life then the town, county, city, state, country, then the world. This way is more sustainable and programs are better able to reach the needs of the community.”

Speaking personally, she shared these words of challenge “There is a way to make a difference, and it looks different for everyone. I encourage you to be meditative and prayerful as you try and find your calling of how to make a difference. There are so many opportunities, but don’t let that overwhelm you to the point where you end up doing nothing; just start doing something! It doesn’t have to be grand. As you become more mindful of others, you will know who to reach out to and how you can make a lasting impact in your community.”



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