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Pet Pedigree

Photo of the Stotz family: Mark and Stacy, Caitlyn, Lindsey and Christian with Seymour the do.

Seymour the great

Seymour may be a physically large dog, weighing 99 pounds, but the mixed breed is really a gentle giant. He has been a wonderful companion of the Stotz family, who adopted Seymour at three months old and have enjoyed every minute of their now 4-year-old family member. A DNA test provided Seymour with his genetic…


Relaxing, Mesmerizing Pet Fish

Krysta Parr feels that it was fate that brought her together with her three goldfish and coincidentally (or not), Parr is a Pisces. Adopting the three fish from a moving neighbor last June, Parr has since expanded her marine family. Although fish may not be the most interactive of pets, there are benefits to their…

Photo of Roxy, toy poodle

Roxy Rocks

Roxy is a 3-year-old, 16-pound miniature sheepadoodle that is full of pounce and fluff. A cross between a miniature poodle and an Old English sheepdog, Roxy is very smart, playful and loving. On average, full-grown mini sheepadoodles weigh between 24 and 44 pounds, and Roxy’s unusually small size makes her the perfect portable dog for…


Loving Abby

The poodle may be the national dog of France, however, the breed originated as a duck hunter in Germany where the word “pudelin” refers to splashing in water. Since their retrieving water days, the poodle has become a circus performer, a frequent dog show winner, a guide dog, as well as a loving pet for…


Hazel the gentle giant

By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of Jennifer Dunbar Hazel, an 11-year-old Maine coon cat, has eyes of green with gold that mesmerize those who dare to look her in the eye. Her intense stare is one full of love and affection with unconditional loyalty to her owners – Andrew and Jennifer Dunbar. The Maine coon…


Lucky Charm

By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of Carol Kline Lucky’s lucky charm is her collar tag that is engraved with her name. Castle Pines resident Carol Kline gave Lucky the name to represent the good luck they both experienced when the dog became part of the Kline family. Barely a pup, Lucky was living with a…


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