All about kiwis
When was the last time you enjoyed a kiwi? If it has been a while, now is the time to enjoy this nutrition-packed fruit. Kiwis originated in China and were called Chinese gooseberries, but then were renamed after New Zealand’s national bird, the “fuzzy brown kiwi.”
The bright green flesh of kiwis is speckled with tiny black seeds and the unique, sweet, tropical flavor combines elements of strawberries, melons and citrus fruits. Kiwis are delicious on their own or a refreshing addition to many winter recipes.
If you are trying to boost your Vitamin C intake to keep the immune system strong, eat a kiwi: it has more Vitamin C per serving than an orange. Kiwis are rich in alpha hydroxy fruit acids, as well as several vitamins that are beneficial for skin health. Kiwis are ideal for exfoliating and nourishing skin and promoting collagen production, so look for skin care products with kiwi or make a DIY face mask.
Kiwis contain blood-pressure-lowering potassium and are rich in health-boosting antioxidants. Fiber-rich kiwis aid in digestion and help us feel full, yet they are relatively low in calories. While avocados have many health benefits too, kiwis have only 60% of the calories of an avocado, yet twice the Vitamin E, which helps support healthy eyes and skin. Kiwis are also rich in Vitamin K, which can help prevent heart disease.
Since kiwis contain up to 10% of the recommended daily folate levels, pregnant women are encouraged to enjoy kiwis for healthy babies. The probiotics in kiwis help with gut health and can relieve symptoms of stomach aches and bloating.
Kiwi fruits have sustainable packaging with a natural protective “fuzzy” outer layer that help protect them from pests and diseases.
Kiwis can be simply cut in half and eaten with a spoon or mixed into a fruit salad. Kiwis are delicious in jams or preserves and can be freeze-dried to retain their flavor. Kiwis contain an enzyme called actinidin, which has meat tenderizing properties. Used commercially in the meat industry, kiwis can also be used in your kitchen to make meat tender and flavorful.
Though fuzzy and brown, the skin of a kiwi is edible and a good source of fiber, folate and vitamins. Try it raw or toss the entire kiwi in a smoothie.
Unless allergic, enjoy a kiwi today knowing it is a superfruit that is delicious and nutritious!

Kiwis are a winter fruit that have many health benefits and can easily be enjoyed with a spoon.
By Lisa Nicklanovich; courtesy photo