Douglas County Recording Office has moved temporarily

Due to renovations, the Recording Office of Douglas County has been moved to a temporary location until June: 125 Stephanie Place in Castle Rock.
Due to renovations, the Douglas County Recording Office has been moved to a temporary location until June. All recording services, including applying for a marriage license, a first-time passport or recording home and property documents, will be provided at the Douglas County Election offices located at 125 Stephanie Place in Castle Rock. The temporary relocation is less than a half mile and a few minutes away from the permanent Recording Office location in downtown Castle Rock.
“This much-needed renovation of the Recording Office will allow us to best serve the citizens of Douglas County, and we thank you for your patience during the construction process,” said Douglas County Clerk and Recorder Sheri Davis.
The renovation plan will maximize the limited space available in the Recording Office to enhance its public-facing service desks and research area and create a more efficient flow for business operations.
For information about the Recording Office services, online service options or to schedule an appointment for an in-person service, visit Live assistance is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by clicking the online chat feature or by calling the Recording Office at 303-660-7446.
Information and photo provided by Douglas County