Duct tape does the job

BRE Principal Jen Murdock-Jackoway being duct taped to the gym wall following a succesful fundraising event.
Buffalo Ridge Elementary (BRE) school held its annual fun run fundraiser for the parent-teacher association in October. The money goes toward school-wide improvements and teacher wishlist items for their classrooms.
The school’s $65,000 goal was surpassed when more than $71,800 was raised. As a “reward” for meeting the school-wide goal, students earned a special assembly where they duct taped Principal Jen Murdock-Jackoway to the wall.
Every student was given a strip of tape and the entire student body had the opportunity to participate. Each grade used their associated color of duct tape, with fifth grade using purple tape first and moving down through the grades to kindergarten with red tape.
To view a sped-up version of the time lapse video of the students taping Murdock-Jackoway to the gym wall (which tookless than 30 minutes), visit the Buffalo Ridge Education Alliance Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/.BuffaloRidgeElementaryBREA.
Article and photo by Celeste McNeil