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Green, but not exactly a leprechaun

by Anthonette Klinkerman

I’m so green it hurts. Okay, I’m not, but that would be funny on a t-shirt. I have recycle bins, incandescent bulbs, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, and a rescued cat. I chase down the plastic bread things for recycling, use stainless steel water bottles, and I do a lot of consignment store shopping.

I have a number of reusable grocery bags, but they never quite make it into the store with me. Coincidentally, my coupon book has this same problem. I do, on occasion, remember to round up my collection of plastic grocery bags and take them to the recycling bin inside the store. That is if they aren’t acting like a small trash bag somewhere else in my house.

Even with my sub-par-to-some efforts, I feel okay about my carbon footprint. I don’t travel excessively, I bought a reconfigured computer and projector, and donated an old cell phone to a women’s organization.

I read about the floating trash fields out in the oceans, some the size of small countries. A newspaper photo showed a shopping cart the ocean had belched back onto the trash-strewn beach after one of the numerous storms in California back in January.

I saw an investigative report about where our carefully washed and sorted recycling goes, and was dismayed to see it all dumped on the ground in an indoor arena of some kind. It seems there is really no place to take it all.

I’m doing my part, and clearly so are the rest of my neighbors with their recycling bins set out every other Thursday – why isn’t there being more done, then? Too expensive? Too time-consuming? I’m no math whiz, but the way I figure it, cleaning up these messes would create a slew of jobs right there.

We’re doing what we’re told, but not enough is happening. Patting humanity on the back for Trex decking is not exactly a giant leap for mankind. Unlike technology, which creates new gewgaws every 13 hours, progress in the field of energy efficiency is slow. We need energy efficiency more now than ever, and all those promised green jobs would be a godsend for some.

In review, there’s a chance I’m not going to be winning any green contests any time soon. Still, I feel like I’m doing enough to offset my guilt for those cold mornings when I drive my daughter to the bus stop.



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