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The Bibliophiliac’s Corner – “I Let You Go”

Article and photo by Amanda Merriman

The Connection writer Amanda Merriman admits she is hopelessly addicted to books.  It has been this way nearly all her life.  Every month she shares what she has been reading with the hope that others will share in her obsession.

Clare Mackintosh accomplishes the exact opposite with readers of her debut novel, “I Let You Go.”  This thriller of a novel begins with a brutal, fatal accident that shatters those left behind in the wake.  Mackintosh opens with such a vivid description of the scene that when reading her words the experience is almost visceral.  The story follows the point of view of multiple characters, most of which have depth and believability.  But the main character, and my favorite, is Jenna Gray.  Gray’s struggle with grief feels true-to-life and is emotionally wrenching at times to read through.  Mackintosh demonstrated her talent for writing with all the intricate details and connections surrounding the story’s central theme of grief and being able to move on after horrible events have occurred.  Additionally, Mackintosh has nailed the aspects of one of the best things about reading books in the thriller genre, the plot twist.  

“I Let You Go” unloads a few of these surprises as the story builds to its climax. The biggest surprise, (which will not be revealed in this review) is one of the more original plot twists this bibliophiliac has come across lately.  Without giving any key details away, the ending of the book does open itself up for some debate/discussion.  Readers that enjoy devouring mysteries and thrillers will have no problems eating up Mackintosh’s debut novel.  In fact, these readers will likely look forward to reading Mackintosh’s second novel that is on the shelves, “I See You.”

Fellow bibliophiles and book club members, please feel free to join in the dialogue.  Blog your thoughts and feedback at and enter the keyword “bibliophiliac” in the search bar.  Have you read a great book recently?   Don’t keep that juicy tidbit all to yourself.  Email your find to



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