Repurpose your greeting cards
The end of a holiday, birthday or other special occasion does not necessarily mean it is time to toss out your greeting cards. They can be recycled in a different way and given a second life.
Cutting out specific parts of the card—the greeting, the art or the message inside––provides content that can then be recreated into bookmarks, gift tags and handmade cards. Be creative by cutting the greeting cards into various sizes and shapes, such as snowflakes and hearts. For cards with messages that hold sentimental or inspirational value, add to a scrapbook or put in a rotating display on a bulletin board. Another idea is for a seasonal collage of recycled holiday cards made from your favorite Halloween, Valentine’s Day or Christmas cards.
You do not have to be an expert crafter. All you really need is a good pair of scissors and maybe a few crafting tools: a hole punch, twine or ribbon, a corner rounder, glue and pinking shears for that added zig zag pizazz. There is no right or wrong way to craft, just relax and let your creativity flow.
As the new year progresses and your mailbox fills up with birthday and various holiday cards, take note of those special designs and messages that speak to you. Are your greeting cards better served as a pretty display or a repurposed gift tag? Either way, best to have your scissors and glue on hand.

Repurposing greeting cards into gift tags does not have to take a lot of time. As seen here, two Happy Birthday cards repurposed using pinking sheers, ribbon and small clip.

Select greeting cards from various holidays and events and give them a makeover and a new purpose.

A good pair of scissors with a few additional crafting tools is all that is needed to repurpose any greeting card into a memorable display, gift tag or new card.

A greeting card with art or design that speaks to you can be cut to fit into a picture frame for display and lasting memory.
Article and photos by Julie Matuszewski