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Read the stories from the latest issue:

Parks & Trails

By CPC | July 1, 2003

How do parks, trails and open space fit into the overall plan for our neighborhoods? How can we link with other communities? If you had a magic wand, what would you do with Daniels Park? A group of citizens is getting together to discuss the possibilities and options for Castle Pines North. Interested parties are…

Bear Sightings in Forest Park

By CPC | July 1, 2003

There have been at least 3 bear sightings in Forest Park in the last month. Bears at this time of year are foraging to fatten up for hibernation. The bear sightings have been at all times of day. All of the bears seen in Forest Park have been non-aggressive; lets hope it stays that way.…

Public Meeting On New Park

By CPC | July 1, 2003

The second public meeting was held on July 14th with Axel Bishop of Design Concepts, who showed preliminary sketches of the park with two design styles. Both the needs of athletic playfields and stylized park architecture were addressed in these preliminary concept plans. The park will serve as a focal point to our community. The…

Tired of Telemarketers?

By CPC | July 1, 2003

Coloradans who already signed up for the statewide do-not-call list will be automatically added to the federal register. If this sounds good to you and you want to do this, read more about it in the Telecom section of this web site. (7-1)

Sidewalk Completion

By CPC | July 1, 2003

After almost a year working with Douglas County and the LaGae family, it looks like the sidewalk connection along the south side of Castle Pines Parkway from Yorkshire Drive to the commercial area will finally be finished. According to Judy Dahl, manager of the Castle Pines North Metro District, they are waiting on the final…

Castle Pines North vs. Qwest’s Infamous Phone Line "Distance Charge"

By CPC | July 1, 2003

The Battle is On! You see it every month on your bill: Qwest’s $12 per month “distance charge” per wired phone line, an established yet outdated tariff for Qwest telephone service. This charge was put in place years ago and was intended to compensate Qwest for the greater expense of providing service to “rural” customers.…

CPN Master Homeowners Association wins long battle (7-31-03)

By CPC | July 1, 2003

Qwest will drop the “Distance Charge” from resident’s phone bills, effective August 1. The fees might be gone by the time of your August billing, or it may appear as an adjustment on your September bill. This will save most CPN residents $144 per year for each phone line that you have. Residents of Castle…

Want to request a change to Xcel pole placement ? do it now!

By CPC | May 1, 2003

While it is likely to be another month or two before the final Public Utilities Commission decision on whether Xcel will receive the PUC permit to rebuild one of the powerlines along the eastern border of CPN, Xcel is working on the engineering plans for the project and has offered to consider CPN-area homeowners’ requests…

Castle Rock defers vote on 2nd Recreation Center

By CPC | September 1, 2002

Town of Castle Rock residents will not be voting on November 5 on the Town’s proposal to build a second recreation center. At about the same time that CPN started to look at building a Recreation Center in Castle Pines North, the Town of Castle Rock independently started a separate project to investigate whether Castle…

Wildlife corridor added to DC open space

By CPC | June 1, 2002

An 855-acre parcel critical to wildlife as a corridor was donated by DuPont and preserved as open space. It creates a link all the way from Pike National Forest, through Roxborough State Park and other protected lands across US 85.

Plans along the southern border of Highlands Ranch

By CPC | April 1, 2002

Douglas County is hosting two public meetings regarding the future “Wildcat Regional Park” that the County will build along the southern border of Highlands Ranch, southwest of the new middle school/high school site, between Monarch and Daniels Park Road. This will be a large (202 acres) “active park” that will have league-play ball fields and…

Castle Rock plans for a second recreation center

By CPC | April 1, 2002

A proposed second Town recreation center is moving forward as the Parks & Recreation Department continues to weigh input from residents and consider site location options. To date, Parks & Recreation has hosted three public meetings, six user-group meetings and forrned a steering committee as part of an effort to propose a second recreation center…

DC Planning Meetings for HR park: Wildcat Regional Park

By CPC | April 1, 2002

Douglas County is hosting two public meetings regarding the future “Wildcat Regional Park” that the County will build along the southern border of Highlands Ranch, southwest of the new middle school/high school site, between Monarch and Daniels Park Road. This will be a large (202 acres) “active park” that will have league-play ball fields and…

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