Lucent Boulevard renamed for hero

Kendrick Castillo was 18 and days away from high school graduation at STEM.
Lucent Boulevard in Highlands Ranch, the stretch of roadway from County Line to South Broadway, will soon be renamed Kendrick Castillo Way.
The Board of Douglas County Commissioners approved the request from the Kendrick Castillo Memorial Oversight Committee at a public hearing in August.
On May 7, 2019, Kendrick (18) was a high school senior at STEM School Highlands Ranch when he gave his life to stop a shooter at the school. His courage and sacrifice have been remembered and honored across communities in Douglas County, Colorado and the nation. Eight other students were injured in the shooting.
“As the days go on, it’s tough, and it gets tougher all the time,” Kendrick’s father, John Castillo, said at the public hearing. “We’re very honored that it has come to light to rename Lucent Boulevard, a street I drive every day. It is good that we remember our heroes, who sacrificed their lives, and that we think of the events, so we can improve resources for mental health and fund our police and give them the resources they need.”
The Oversight Committee has also organized the naming of a robotics lab st the school after Kendrick, a memorial in Civic Green Park, and a scholarship fund in Kendrick’s name. To donate to Kendrick’s legacy fund, visit
By Hollen Wheeler; photo courtesy of Maria Castillo via Instagram