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DC Planning Meetings for HR park: Wildcat Regional Park

By CPC | April 1, 2002

Douglas County is hosting two public meetings regarding the future “Wildcat Regional Park” that the County will build along the southern border of Highlands Ranch, southwest of the new middle school/high school site, between Monarch and Daniels Park Road. This will be a large (202 acres) “active park” that will have league-play ball fields and…

Plans along the southern border of Highlands Ranch

By CPC | April 1, 2002

Douglas County is hosting two public meetings regarding the future “Wildcat Regional Park” that the County will build along the southern border of Highlands Ranch, southwest of the new middle school/high school site, between Monarch and Daniels Park Road. This will be a large (202 acres) “active park” that will have league-play ball fields and…

Castle Rock plans for a second recreation center

By CPC | April 1, 2002

A proposed second Town recreation center is moving forward as the Parks & Recreation Department continues to weigh input from residents and consider site location options. To date, Parks & Recreation has hosted three public meetings, six user-group meetings and forrned a steering committee as part of an effort to propose a second recreation center…

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